The Book: How to Make Millions without a Degree
'How To Make Millions Without A Degree' proves Simon Dolan has achieved a lot in his life, so much so, his business empire is still growing. From starting SJD Accountancy from the ground up to forming Jota Sport and The Drivers Club (offering private, high performance driver training and driving events), Simon continues to be successful.
These are just some of the companies that have helped Simon build his £100 million empire, but it was by no means an 'overnight' success.
Simon Dolan's entrepreneurial tendencies were realised early and has seen Simon taking on countless jobs picking up valuable 'life lessons' along the way. But one thing has always been present: determination. Throughout 'How To Make Millions Without A Degree' you will see how Simon Dolan has always worked hard and how he identified a niche market that allowed him to start the SJD Accountancy business.
Detailing Dolan's early life, from selling cheese and eggs, a photocopier salesman, to actually building the foundations for the multi-million pound SJD Accountancy, 'How to Make Millions Without A Degree' gives you the confidence and understanding to start your own empire. Simon Dolan is a serial entrepreneur and looks into what an entrepreneur is, tips on how to run your business and an insight as to how he made his pennies into millions.
'How To Make Millions Without A Degree' details how other entrepreneurs like Simon
have made it without a degree. Richard Branson, Sir Philip Green, Stephen Marks and more prove becoming a millionaire is achievable, even without a degree.
A great insight into one of the UK's leading entrepreneurs, 'How To Make Millions Without A Degree' is a must read for business owners or anyone dreaming of success.

Quotes from the Book
"Luck is preparation multiplied by opportunity"
"..there's a good reason millionaires
don't detail their rise from thousands
to millions. It's because the story is
boring. Businesses grow little by little,
year by year...most millionaires grow
their fortune bit by bit."
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